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Esensi Pilar Kebangsaan Dalam Memahami Keberagaman Sesuai Amanat Uud 1945 Pasal 18b Ayat 2 Adalah

The Significance of National Pillars in Understanding Diversity According to the Mandate of the 1945 Constitution Article 18B Paragraph 2


National pillars serve as indispensable foundations for nation-building and fostering unity amidst diversity. Understanding these pillars is crucial for maintaining social cohesion and fostering harmony in a diverse society. Indonesia's 1945 Constitution, particularly Article 18B Paragraph 2, underscores the significance of these pillars.

National Pillars in the 1945 Constitution:

Belief in One Supreme God:

Article 18B Paragraph 2 recognizes and upholds the belief in one supreme God as a fundamental principle for all Indonesian citizens. This belief serves as a unifying force that transcends religious differences and fosters a shared sense of morality and ethical values.

Just and Civilized Humanity:

The constitution emphasizes the importance of upholding a just and civilized humanity. It calls for fostering social justice, equality, and mutual respect among all citizens, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Unity of Indonesia:

Article 18B Paragraph 2 underscores the paramount importance of preserving the unity of Indonesia. It mandates the promotion of a sense of belonging and shared identity among all citizens, fostering a sense of national pride and togetherness.

The Significance of National Pillars in Understanding Diversity:

Respect for Diversity:

National pillars provide a framework for respecting and embracing diversity within a nation. They promote tolerance, understanding, and dialogue among different cultural, religious, and ethnic groups.

Conflict Resolution:

The pillars serve as a guide for resolving conflicts and maintaining social harmony. By upholding principles of justice and unity, they help mitigate tensions and find common ground.


National pillars contribute to nation-building by fostering a sense of shared values and goals. They create a shared foundation for citizens to work together and contribute to the development of the nation.


The national pillars enshrined in Article 18B Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution hold immense significance for understanding and managing diversity in Indonesia. They provide a roadmap for respecting differences, resolving conflicts, and building a cohesive and harmonious nation.

By embracing and upholding these pillars, Indonesia can continue to foster unity amidst its rich tapestry of cultures, beliefs, and traditions.

Esensi Pilar Kebangsaan Dalam Memahami Keberagaman Sesuai Amanat Uud 1945 Pasal 18B Ayat 2 Adalah
